According to my wife I don’t say this often enough and this is a perfect opportunity to do so… I was wrong! What I did didn’t make the TSenv interface available sooner than normal. What it did just made it persistent so it didn’t disappear when it normally do.
That being said, it is still possible to use the TSEnv to pass a variable from an old media scenario to a TS.
The plus side to the matter, that the env is available as default, is that you don’t have to modify the boot images in any manual way at all in order to utilize it.
Just start a script with the prestart command, wait for the TSEnv to be ready, do some stuff, and set a tsvariable.
I know prestart commands only run once but this is just an example:
An IRL scenario might be to write the version of the script to a variable and thus be able to correct the issues that you’ve already fixed in the newest version of it but without the need to block all old boot medias.